Episode 79

Published on:

3rd Oct 2022

Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval. A Technique That Brings Wholeness

Through travels on my own wisdom path, I encountered Divine guidance about soul loss and doing what's called Soul retrieval.

When I finally, more clearly understood what Soul loss and Soul retrieval were and how to do it correctly, I found it to be a tremendous tool for my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

What is Soul retrieval? Briefly, soul retrieval is a practice that helps you recover a part of yourself-your energy, your enthusiasm or your innocence-that you lost during any type of traumatic event. We use soul retrieval to recover from our hurts and heal our childhood wounds.

In this podcast, I briefly discuss Soul loss and Soul retrieval and give you an overview of what it is and why it's a necessary process to becoming a more whole human being, a human being with greater soul, mental (psyche), emotional and spiritual health.

Soul retrieval is a serious practice. Please take the care and consideration necessary to understand it so that you can use it correctly. Thinks of this podcast a an introduction to this practice and do you own research and find people who are practiced in this and use them. I have used Albert Villoldo of the Four Winds Society and there are many others you can learn from.

In psychological parlance, soul loss is known as dissociation where a piece of our psyche is relegated to the subconscious because of big or small traumatic events. It is really a defense mechanism and we humans have the ability to retrieve these so-called disowned parts of ourselves. This podcast is meant to start a conversation about this important process that is a tool for mental, emotional, spiritual and soulful wholeness..

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About the Podcast

Step Onto Your Own Wisdom Path
Spirit lives in all things including humans
My very first revelation, realization as given to me on the wisdom path was that everyone is born with Spirit as a part of who they are. We humans ARE Spirit having a human EXPERIENCE. This episode encourages you to take a look within and connect with the Spirit you are.

About your host

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John Bernstein

From birth, I was always on my own wisdom path, I just didn't know it. From my early childhood on, I had direct mystical experiences that frightened me since I did not understand what was happening. I had out of body experiences, could see the auras of everything, had provocative dreams, encountered spirit animals, had connections with ascended masters and much more. It took me many years to realize what all these direct mystical experiences were telling me and leading me to. Here, I am fulfilling my destiny as a master on the wisdom path sharing the guidance given to me by Spirit. I hope these podcasts uplift, motivate and bring you greater awareness. You can contact me on Facebook for Wisdom Path Consultations where I assist in guiding others on stepping onto their own wisdom paths.