Episode 91

Published on:

26th Dec 2022

The Force Awoke In Me

What is this Force that has awoken in me?

In this podcast, I share what the Force is as I experienced it and the reason why there is a modern metaphor for the Force called "Star Wars-The Force Awakens."

If you think this is trivial, think again. This is not hokum. This is very real as there is a battle raging between the Forces of Love and the Forces of Darkness. Just look around and you'll see this battle going on all over the planet.

I am one of and for the Force and may this Force be with YOU!.

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About the Podcast

Step Onto Your Own Wisdom Path
Spirit lives in all things including humans
My very first revelation, realization as given to me on the wisdom path was that everyone is born with Spirit as a part of who they are. We humans ARE Spirit having a human EXPERIENCE. This episode encourages you to take a look within and connect with the Spirit you are.

About your host

Profile picture for John Bernstein

John Bernstein

From birth, I was always on my own wisdom path, I just didn't know it. From my early childhood on, I had direct mystical experiences that frightened me since I did not understand what was happening. I had out of body experiences, could see the auras of everything, had provocative dreams, encountered spirit animals, had connections with ascended masters and much more. It took me many years to realize what all these direct mystical experiences were telling me and leading me to. Here, I am fulfilling my destiny as a master on the wisdom path sharing the guidance given to me by Spirit. I hope these podcasts uplift, motivate and bring you greater awareness. You can contact me on Facebook for Wisdom Path Consultations where I assist in guiding others on stepping onto their own wisdom paths.